Changes at Culham station
Changes between 2014 and 2018
2014 - Entikera Limited
By May 2014 the Old Ticket Office had a new tenant in Entikera Limited (trading as Mp Fine Art Printing
Click or tap link to open a new page and visit the Mp Fine Art Printing website). It was obvious that there had been a number of previous occupants who had used the building for a variety of uses from being a workshop, offices and simply for storage. The building was very damp and in need of a really good clean and airing. The floor was covered with hardboard sheeting which had deteriorated badly and gone rotten in several places. With the permission of Network Rail this was removed to reveal the original wooden planked floor and stone hearths. It also revealed a large area where the floor in the Parcels Office had rotted through and been replaced during the 2002 refurbishment. Gaps between the floorboards in the main office were filled with aluminium swarf and there were many blobs of solder on the floor and counter tops, all revealing the variety of work that had taken place there over the years. A good proportion of the drawer knobs were missing and modern latches had been put on cupboard doors. These were left as was, but the missing drawer knobs were replaced with new ones of the same shape. A new drawer was made to replace what may have been the cash drawer which was also missing.
The chimney is regularly swept professionally and a fire is lit each day in cold weather, the sight and smell of smoke drifting down the platform adding to the nostalgic atmosphere. The old gents' usefully serving as a fuel store.
There is evidence of damage done by previous tenants so great care has been taken to use existing screw holes when putting up blinds etc. The odd nail left in walls here and there being used to hang pictures - no new ones being allowed.
Whilst damp is a challenge with repairs to gutters and downspouts needed and ongoing maintenance being required, the building is now heated and ventilated so further deterioration should at least be slowed down. In 2016 a senior property manager with Network Rail visited. He had decided to take time out of the office and view some of the properties in their portfolio. Not realising the ticket office was occupied he was pleasantly surprised by what he found. Terms of the lease with Network Rail do not allow any work to be done on the building, partly because it is listed and partly as it is very close to a live (and busy) railway line. They therefore assume any such burden but as the visitor sadly commented 'there is no budget for such works'. He did however promise that if money were to be found the building would figure strongly in any bid for funds.
2015/16 - Bridge improvements
In preparation for the electrification of the line from Didcot, approval was granted during September for bridge modifications to ensure safety clearances be maintained. Both the footbridge and the 'new' road bridge had parapet extensions and warning signs installed during 2016. One unfortunate result was that it became impossible to photograph passing trains from the footbridge - unless you stood on a box. Perhaps surprisingly no work has so far been carried out on the old road bridge, possibly the parapets are high enough already. Other bridges along the line were similarly modified.
Developments and alterations to Railway Property do not actually require planning permission from the Local Planning Authority so long as they fall within certain specific criteria. Such changes are covered by the the Oxford Railway Act 1843.
This bestows upon the railway company and its successors the power to make any developments necessary for the running and management of the railway, including alteration to bridges. It does not however give them cart blanche as, for example, listed buildings consent may still be required and other considerations may come into play.
Section CCXXXVI of the 1843 Act states: And be it enacted, That subject to the Provisions and Restrictions contained in this Act, it shall be lawful for the Company, for the Purpose of constructing the Railway, to execute any of the following Works; (that is to say) They may make or construct in, upon, across, under or over any lands […] within the Lands described in the said Plans or mentioned in the Said Books of Reference or any Correction thereof, such […]bridges […] as they think proper; […] They may from Time to Time alter, repair, or discontinue the before-mentioned Works, or any of them, and substitute others in their Stead; And They may do all other Acts necessary for making, maintaining, altering, repairing and using the Railway.
2016 - Platform extension plans
Late December 2015 saw the submission by Network Rail for the following works to be carried out at Culham station.
- Extend northern end of both platforms 1 and 2 by 72m and 93m respectively.
- Carryout ancillary platform work e.g. installation of lighting columns, CCTV, signage, fencing etc.
- Provide ramp and access/emergency walkway route to rear of both platforms.
- Extend width of existing platform 1, carryout re-gauging work to lift height of platform and re-surface.
- Install 400mm wide tactile paving to existing platform 2.
Approval was given to proceed on 15th February 2016, but the work was subsequently deferred. These changes will not materially affect the Old Ticket Office or the original Platform 2 upon which it sits. Whilst Platform 1 does, in part, comprise of the original platform it is not listed or protected from modification.
2016/17 - Signalling upgrade scheme
The entire line between Didcot and Oxford was closed between 30th July and 15th August in 2016 to facilitate the flood alleviation works at Hinksey. These included raising the track by 40cm, installing new culverts and bridges and the opportunity was taken to amend track layout at the same time. While all this was going on new cables were laid along the length of the line ready for the signalling upgrade project. This did not affect the station at Culham as the cabling was fed under the platforms in existing ducts. It was busy though, with many contractors and vehicles going up and down the line.
Works associated with this project continued on and off during the latter part of 2016 and early 2017. New control cabinets were installed within sight of the station and during April 2017 armies of orange clad Network Rail and Seimens staff started to connect them up. Often quite a number of contractors trooped past the Old Ticket Office window carrying tools and materials to the various work sites along the line. Most were working a bit too far away to photograph, but on some days there were so many that they seemed to be swarming all over the track in the distance. Lookouts were posted nearer the station, and as they passed trains would hoot acknowledgement that they had been seen. Sometimes one or two would pop into the building to have a look round. Chatting to one group from South Wales revealed that they also volunteered to help out with the signalling on the Gwili Railway in Carmarthenshire - they must enjoy what they do!
All the colour light signals being converted to use modern LED lights, will eventually fall out of regular use when the new Digital Railway signalling system comes into operation. This system (moving block with in cab signalling as opposed to fixed block lineside signals) will increase the capacity of the line.
Power line changes 2016/17
Two power lines used to cross above the track by the station. During November 2016 the one to the south (Didcot side) of the main road bridge was raised on a much taller pole. This was to increase the clearance below the electricity lines to provide sufficient height above the overhead wires when they are installed at some point in the future. The height of this new pole is very apparent in this photograph taken in the summer of 2017. Visible in the distance is Didcot power station with its three remaining cooling towers from the demolished Didcot 'A'. These will themselves be taken down in due course with much of the surrounding area being earmarked for major redevelopment. The railway curves off towards Appleford bridge over the Thames and onwards to Didcot. A few yards up the road is a favourite spot for recording trains as it offers a clear vantage point of this long sweep of track.
A similar power line crossed the track next to the footbridge going towards the Railway Inn and some nearby cottages. This was rerouted to cross the tracks below ground in early 2017. A subsantial double pole and small transformer was installed near the ticket office with the overhead supply coming in to the lefthand pole and the outgoing supply being taken down to ground level via the righthand one.
July 2017 - Signalling changes
The line was closed between 22nd and 30th July 2017 to facilitate works near Oxford, mainly track upgrades and changes to pointwork between Oxford station and Kennington junction. The line towards Banbury was also closed for works north of Oxford station, but for a shorter duration. The latter did not affect Chiltern Rail services between Oxford and Marylebone which operated with only minor timetable changes. Whilst the Didcot to Oxford line was closed to passenger traffic, it remained in use for the odd works train and also for the car transport trains to and from the BMW Cowley works which continued to pass through Culham each day. The latter were unaffected by the line closure as they go via Kennington junction which is well south of the work site.
This impressive piece of kit appeared outside the ticket office the week before the line was closed. We wondered what it was going to be used for, but it soon became apparent when it passed by on the Up line on the Monday morning propelling a trolley carrying a couple of large metal castings. It can be seen in the above photograph together with the new signal and lattice gantry opposite being worked on. We had a grandstand view whenever materials were being loaded onto trolleys by Platform 1 ready to be pushed down the line to the work site.
August 2017 - New lighting
During the middle of August all the platform lights were converted to high output LEDs, each controlled by its own light sensor. Chatting to the contractors, they explained that this was being carried out in readiness for the new Hitachi trains which would shortly start operating on the line. During the summer an unmarked white set had been used for gauging trials along the line from Paddington. Why do these new trains need LED lighting on the platform we asked. The answer was that the doors won't open if lighting levels are not sufficient - all to do with health and safety apparently. That's all well and good until there is a power cut and nobody can get on or off. Some doubts as to the veracity of this statement have been raised as a couple of months later all the lights on the station approach road were also upgraded.
Mid September saw the installation of remote control and monitoring equipment for these new platform lights. Lighting on all stations was gradually being upgraded to this new standard apparently.
August 2017 - New power supply
August saw unusual activity at the station when a trench was dug all the way from the Network Rail site to the pole mounted transformer by the overbridge. This, we were told, was to provide the power supply for signalling control equipment to be housed in a new unit being built beyond the end of Platform 2. There was a bit of anxiety as there were a number of cars parked where the trench was to be dug. No prior notice had been given so it was a bit of a surprise to everyone.
During September and October, following the construction of the new power cabinet and control equipment housing, a new fence and gate to the Network Rail site was installed. Its positioning does not appear to make any allowances for the proposed platform 2 extensions and access ways, suggesting that this may now not take place - or is it simply another case of poor planning.
Early 2018 - Replacement of life expired rails
During the first few months of 2018 Network Rail were busy replacing life expired rail through the station and along other parts of the line between Didcot and Oxford. This took place mainly at night or at weekends and so did not affected train services through Culham. The only real evidence of the work being the extra lengths of rail alongside the track ready to be installed and the old rails waiting to be taken away.
June 2018 - New sleepers
Following on from earlier rail renewal, the Orange Army again descended on the station with large teams working to replace old concrete sleepers at various places along the line. Here we can see where the old and new rails have been joined beside platform 1, together with a comparison between the old and new sleepers with their different fixings.
July 2018 - Line closure
The line from Didcot to Oxford was closed between Saturday 7th July and Sunday 22nd July (with limited non stopping services between Oxford and Reading/Paddington for the five days from the 16th to 20th) for what now seems to have become an annual blockade for major works to be carried out. Work to install new points (or switches) and track just north of Oxford station meant that the line was effectively closed as far as Banbury with Oxford station itself closed to all trains including Chiltern Rail who ran in and out of Oxford Parkway. Network Rail have produced a short video which can be viewed by clicking or tapping on the thumbnail image and shows the huge scale of the work undertaken. Eagle-eyed viewers will catch a brief glimpse of the ex-LMS tracks on Stepenson's swing bridge at the 1:50 point.
Nothing much went on at Culham itself, but we did notice that the new signals installed during the 2017 blockade were brought into operation. The new signalling along the line is set up for bi-directional working in an effort to increase capacity and flexibility apparently. This explains the signal gantry over the Down line with its display towards the Up direction. Associated with this, new stop marker boards appeared at the 'wrong' end of the platforms, clearly ready for trains operating in reverse direction.
During the line closure Radley, the next station down towards Oxford, benefited from a start being made on its EMU platform extensions. It seems that Appleford and Culham will have to wait a while longer until their planned platform extensions are built.
September 2018 - Network Rail property sale
In early September it was announced that Network Rail had sold its commercial property portfolio, mainly comprising of converted railway arches, for £1.46bn. The property had been bought by investment groups Telereal Trillium and Blackstone Property Partners, on a leasehold basis, with Network Rail retaining access rights. As tenants in the Old Ticket Office, Entikera were somewhat concerned as to what this may mean for them. However, a few days later a letter arrived confirming that the Old Ticket Office was not part of the sale and that Network Rail remained their landlord. So although this was one potential change that didn't happen it is worth noting as it is relevant to the ongoing history of the station.