Links and Acknowledgements


We are grateful for the kind support and interest shown whilst this site has been developed and on these pages we attempt to acknowledge all sources of information and images. Links to external websites are included where applicable, and links have also been included to other websites which may prove to be of further interest to our visitors.

Searching for something

Use the Search box in the secondary menu bar above to search for particular topics or items within our website. Depending on your browser settings, the Google search engine may present a few external references (adverts) at the top of the list, but scrolling down will lead you to links just within our website.


Our website has grown considerably over time and so there may be several levels of menu to look through when searching for a particular page but don't know where it lies in the menu structure. We have produced a sitemap which lists just about every page in an easy to read form as an alternative to using the Google search engine. Click or tap HERE to open the sitemap, or select the Site Map option from the drop down list on the right of the secondary menu bar above. Scroll down the sitemap list to see all the pages and click or tap on any link to go straight to the selected page. Alternatively, to simply close the list click or tap anywhere in the sitemap display, or on the × at the bottom.

'Hidden' internal links

There are a number of hidden pages (or 'Easter Eggs' as they are sometimes called) dotted around our website. These have been created this way to save cluttering up the menus with interesting things which may lie a little bit too far from the intended scope of the website, but which do have an albeit tenuous link with the station at Culham, its history, and its place in the general scheme of things. Links to these pages can be found as highlighted text here and there, but to make things a bit easier we also list them here so you can go straight to them.

As these special pages do not figure on the menus their menu bar will simply show one of two options depending on how a visitor got there. 'GO BACK' is fairly obvious as it will return you to the page you came from, that will be here if that is where you went from, or back to the page containing the hidden link if that is what you clicked on. A 'HOME' option will be shown when visitors have gone to the page directly or as the result of a web search, via GOOGLE for example. That option will take them to the home, or very first, page of our website, enabling such visitors to explore and enjoy it further.

Local interest

Wider interest

External Culham Ticket Office links

Our website is preserved by the UK Web Archive which is a collaboration between all of the UK Legal Deposit Libraries whose aim is to collect, preserve, and give access to such material for current and future researchers.

Website sponsors

We are especially grateful to Entikera Limited (trading as Mp Fine Art PrintingMP logo
Click or tap link to open a new page and visit the Mp Fine Art Printing website
whose registered office is at the Old Ticket Office for generously sponsoring this website, for acting as willing host for a selection of items from our memorabilia collection, and for welcoming pre-arranged visitors who wish to view inside the building.

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Navigate between pages using the drop down list on the right of the secondary menu bar
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