GWR internal publications

The Great Western Railway published many different internal documents and publications. Some covered the accounting procedures for running a station, various rule books to be observed by employees, safety instructions etc., and books containing informaton for reference. Some publications were more administrative such as the 'gas & electric meter reading' book, the forms required when accepting goods for shipment or daily cash returns. Others covered instructions relating to particular circumstances such as operating in fog or falling snow, even one specifying how to deal with the passage of Royal Trains. We hold a representative selection of these and more within our collection.

Whilst it would not have been seen in a working ticket office, one reference book in the collection is worthy of mention. It was not a GWR publication, but rather a 'ready reckoner' which runs to over 1,000 pages. Our example was published by the Railway Clearing House in 1924 and is a reference book of distances between all stations and junctions on the Great Western Railway. Such information was required to correctly apportion fares between different companies over whose lines a journey had been made.

We are not attempting to produce a comprehensive catalogue or history of the many internal publications produced by the GWR, but to simply provide a brief glimpse by showing just some of those which are held in our collection.

The actual books vary in size and the thumbnails on these pages should not be taken as being an indication of their actual or relative sizes

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